Thursday, March 21, 2013

Long Time Reader, First Time Blogger

Hi, my name is Amber and I am a collector of projects, some might even call me a projectaholic (see deffinition for hoarder).  In some ways I am a lot like my dad in this respect, I collect stuff that I might use some day for some project that I have in mind, carefully store it away somewhere accessible and then promptly forget about it.  Over some time it will be covered in dust, things will be stacked on it and eventually (much like a junk drawer) I will go on a cleaning binge months or sometimes years later, unearth it and think to myself, why in the world did I buy this?  I'll think about throwing it away, I'll pull it out where I can see it for a while, sometimes I will be inspired to do something with it, other times not.  So to feed the monkey on my back and to clear out my storage areas I have decided to create a blog following along with my journey to finally get around to all those projects I've been filing away for years.  I'll write out tutorials, take some pictures (although I am definately no photographer) and we'll see where this leads.  So for now, good night, and happy crafting!


  1. I'm so excited to see your first project! I can live vicariously through your talent. :)

  2. I'm excited, too! I am also a projectaholic! I love seeing other people's projects, getting ideas and ooo-ing and ahhh-ing!
