Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Three "Owlmigos"

So I couuldn't go to bed without giving you a little taste of the kinds of things this blog is going to be all about so I'm going to do a small tutorial on a cute little owl planter I found while thrifting with my good friend G.

Please excuse my terrible photography skills, it's something I'm working on.  So here they are, the three owlmigos in all their 70's glory.  Now, I've made a lot of pincushions in the past but this one proved to be much more difficult than the others I've made because of the awkward shape that you have to fit the cushion part into so I had to sort of wing it (pun intended). 

I started by sewing up the baisic shape of what the inside should have been by measuring the depth, width and height, I miscalculated horribly so it was much too big, but no matter, onward and upward, nothing a little pinning couldn't fix, I stuffed it with steel wool because I had read on someone else's blog that it sharpens your needles when you poke them through.


Fold and pin all the extra stuff (you can also sew it closed if you want to) I wouldn't consider myself a good crafter as much as a good enough crafter.  Pinning it was good enough for me!
 I stuffed my cushion into my nocturnal birds, fluffed it a little bit to make it not sag in places.  Note:  It won't sag if you put enough stuffing in it, I didn't feel like running to the store for more steel wool, good enough.
Here we have the owlmigos looking smug with their new look, there's more than one way to skin a cat, since I loved these owls and my tastes change so often I decided to make a cushion that I could change out, otherwise I would have pulled out the old hot glue gun and went to town, I'll show you how to do that in another post when I show you how to make a pincushion out of a teacup.
And there you go, one cute and completely original pincushion, now if only they had a secret handshake!  So here's your assignment for the weekend, go rummage at thrift stores, yard sales or your cupboards and find a cute dish or planter to make one of these for yourself.  Thanks for reading and happy crafting!!! 

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